Ingredients (6-8 tortillas):

  • 200g spinach, fresh or frozen
  • 60 ml plant based oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 375g flour, spelt or wheat flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 60 ml water
  1. Heat a pan over medium heat. Rinse spinach and add to pan dripping wet. Saute for 1-2 minutes until it has collapsed. If you are using frozen spinach, just thaw it.
  2. Place the spinach in a blender with the oil and salt and puree until smooth.
  3. Put the flour and baking powder in a large bowl and mix.
  4. Add the spinach puree and a little water to the flour mixture. Mix first with a wooden spoon and then knead with your hands to form a smooth dough. If the dough is too sticky, add some more flour.
  5. Form the dough into a ball, cover with a damp tea towel (or wrap in plastic wrap) and let rest in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Cut the dough into 8 pieces and roll out each ball of dough on a floured work surface with a rolling pin.
  7. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and fry the tortillas for about 1 – 2 minutes on each side until they start to have small bubbles.